
Guest Lecture "Applied Crypto Economics" at WU Wien

Date: 02.11.2023
Guest Lecture "Applied Crypto Economics" at WU Wien

We have been invited by the Institute for Crypto Economics at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien) to hold a guest lecture within their seminar “Introduction to Blockchain”.

We are happy to share our experience of how to establish a succesful enterprise that prospers in the realm of Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology with the next generation of Crypto Enthusiasts.

WU has a fine reputation of combining theoretic knowledge with real life experience. Crypto Economy is a new and fascinating field that goes far beyond Bitcoin and you can visit an inextricable amount of events and conferences world-wide dealing with that matter. But, most of them are still very in the “what could be, what will be, and it is really important” corner, often lacking practical experience.

This is exactly what Stefan Kobrc, founder of RockLogic, will contribute in his speech on the 23rd of November at the university.

  • Some of the topics he will touch are:

  • Organic vs VC funded growth

  • 24/7/365 - no disruptions is a challenge

  • Everywhere, all the time - there is no faster and no low-cost way of international money transfer than Blockchain & DLT

  • Incredible complicated accounting

  • Unknown and hidden risks

  • MEV-Boost ist the new HFT

We are looking forward to this opportunity and a great lecture!

The Foto you see above is © WU Wien.